Granville and James Stuart account books, 1857-1873.


Granville and James Stuart account books, 1857-1873.

Five volumes containing accounts, vocabularies of American Indian languages, and other notes, written in holograph manuscript by Granville and James Stuart. A volume signed by Granville Stuart, 1857, contains lists of words with Flathead [Salish] and Nez Percé translations; also present are brief notes and accounts for merchandise sold by the Stuarts, listed under names of customers, 1861-1863 and undated. A second volume consists of similar accounts dated 1863. A third volume, consisting mostly of similar accounts,is written in a printed memorandum book published by L.O. Wilson & Company, dealers in dry goods, New York. The book contains printed lists of L.O. Wilson & Company merchandise and is signed by Oliver Ruby, 1859. Also present in this volume is a brief account of travel along the Platte River in Wyoming, 1859, by Granville Stuart, James Stuart, and Rezin Anderson. Accounts in these volumes are listed under names including George Ives, Rezin Anderson, and Frederick H. Burr. A fourth volume contains brief accounts of George Ives, Ives & Crow, Virginia City, Idaho Territory; and diary entries pertaining to a gold prospecting trip in Montana, March-July, 1864, possibly written by James Stuart. Also present are brief references to James Stuart, Firm of Dance & Stuart, Virginia City, 1864, and to the estate of George Ives, 1863. Laid in is a holograph manuscript note, signed by "Mrs. Stuart," identifying the volume as an account book of George Ives. A fifth volume contains lists of words with Assiniboine and Sioux [Dakota] translations, with brief diary entries regarding relations with Assiniboine Indians, accounts and notes, 1871-1873 and undated, possibly written by James Stuart.

5 v.

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